Pour 赤い雨 - Red Post!

10/27/2009 11:17:00 PM Postado por Vini Barros

Li esses dias que realmente já ouve uma chuva vermelha [Detalhes aki] fikei bastante impresionado, pensei que esse fenômeno só acontecia no meu mundo paradinho, mas ñ, será isso uma resposta que o mundo de certa forma me deu? Será que isso é o q eu tanto já li sobre "interação com o mundo"? Se for isso eu vou começar a acreditar que sim, eu ou o mundo, ou ambos, ainda tem jeito. Não sei o motivo, mas quando eu fecho os olhos e penso em chuva, ela sempre e vermelha, um vermelho sangue, e vai deixando o mundo todo dessa cor, mundo esse totalmente cinza, sei que é estranho já que a cor q eu mais gosto é laranjado, mas mesmo assim, a minha chuva é vermelha! Uma chuva que me deixa mais down, porém me consola muito, dá até pra ouvir ela agora, e só fechar os olhos, que lá de longe, vem aquele barulho de água caindo no telhado, aquela sensação de dia de chuva, vontade de sair correndo na chuva, ou de sentar na varanda de casa e sentir o vento trazer aquele cheiro de terra molhada. São tantas as sensações que eu nem sei qual escolher... Ahhh deixe a chuva cair, deixa ela aos poucos dar cor e vida aos pontos cinzentos do mundo, 雨が降って.

"Grant me Peace of Mind"

Swing! Swing! We went through the night!

10/26/2009 01:34:00 PM Postado por Vini Barros

Last Saturday night I was talking to a friend that I don't see since 2007's vacations, and that fact  was kinda curious. 1st 'cause I was going bed when she got online, and then she started to talk, well we talked about things that happened since the last time we saw each other and what we are going to do from now, but that night, I was kinda inspired, and she started to complain about some problem, involving people who lets us down, and we can not trust. Well I told her that I already felt that like a thousand of times, because to me is to easy to trust in people, and most of the time, people I trust just don't give a damn to me, and that's really frustrating, I hate it. But I told her that it's life, we don't create any rule, but we need to follow the ones that are imposed to us. No one cares if we like it or not. Well, as I said, I was very inspired that night and we kept talking about it all for a long, long time and she got really surprised about what I was telling her, her words: 
"Boy, I did not know that you were that smart and wise, when I met you, you were so funny and making jokes, you look different now." I told her that in fact I'm this way, you know, if you make jokes, or look happy some way you got people's attention for awhile, but in fact I'm not that joker that everyone think I am. It's just a mask, last Sunday at Centro Ita, I was not that happy, I was being me, but people just don't understand, or rather they prefer me to be the joker, I don't know and to tell you the truth I don't care, they're just people playing the same game that I play, and some of them play better than me.

" Cause you can do it better than me
And I can't do it better than you"

Because I Was Born For This...

10/16/2009 08:47:00 PM Postado por Vini Barros

As vezes acho que não nasci pro curso que eu faço! Sei lá! Ser professor não é algo que eu goste, a vida é mais do que ensinar e ensinar! Eu prefiro aprender, sabe, é mais fácil, dá menos trabalho, ensinar não é algo que eu queria, não mesmo! E isso reflete muito no meu desempenho nesse curso, mas fazer o que, ou eu estudo isso, ou nada. Por isso vou levando esse curso, aos trancos e barrancos...  E assim a vida segue... As vezes fico chatiado comigo mesmo, pq mesmo que eu quisesse eu nunka ia ser um bom professor, e acho que tem muita gente que concorda comigo, mas tudo bem, eu já levo a minha vida sempre recebendo tudo calado, sem responder nada, não vou fikar chatiado com isso... O que eu fico mais chatiado é em achar um propósito pra mim, o que fazer, pra onde ir, essas coisas. Ahhhh pq isso é tão complikado? Eu queria fazer alguma coisa mais louvável, algo maior, mas essa sensação é como tentar abrir uma porta trancada, por mais que eu tente, ela não abre e eu não acho as minhas respostas.... Como eu queria ser alguém mais fácil de lidar! Será que um dia, eu vou ser alguém melhor? Será que eu vou fazer alguma coisa da qual eu me orgulhe? Não sei... O pior é que o relógio não para por causa de decisões erradas.

Sunday, Holiday and Movies.

10/12/2009 09:55:00 AM Postado por Vini Barros

Domingão passou e bom, além d estudar pro concurso de oratória, vi muitos episodios de True Blood, sim, essa série realmente é muito boa, tô quase acabando de ver a primeira temporada, logo, logo começo a ver a segunda e fora isso, vi tbm, Moulin Rouge e as Crônicas de Nárnia, o primeiro filme, foi a primeira vez que vi desde que comprei o dvd, a quase um ano atrás, já Nárnia foi a segunda vez que vi, tem uns 6 meses q comprei esse dvd. Bom é isso nada d novo, por aqui, just the same. bye

Where Do They Care, It's Called Home

10/04/2009 02:42:00 PM Postado por Vini Barros

Yes, I'm weak, in fact I'm weaker than I thought! But that's okay, I still have no right to feel anything, I'm a monster after all, I see this into people's eyes, they look at me as I'm a monster something that should be vanished from the world. Yeah, I'm a monster, so I have no right to feel anything at all, I'm not supposed to dream, or have any kind of feeling, it's forbidden. We, monsters, only exist to be the villain, we're faded to be the ones whose must be defeated, so once we're gone people can be happy again, while I'm alive, people will always get afraid to look at me, talk to me, think of me.... be my friend. But that's okay, this is me, I can't change nothing at all. I can't change the fact that I'm not good on nothing, sports, studies, funny things, relations, nothing. So I just want to get in a place where I find monsters like me, the excluded from society, if I find this place, will they care about me there? Can call this place as my home? I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. I'm so tired to be a cute monster, I wanna be the monster I am, deep inside. I am really tired of trying to make people recognize that I exist, that I'm real, and I don't understand why I care so much about it, it's getting me crazy, I am locked in my own thoughts and I can't flee. Linkings, important people, love! Do I like them? Is this the reason that make me stay? Do I need them? Is it because of them that my real me, my monster, still sleeping? To many questions and no answers at all, as I said before I'm weak... and I cannot even shed a tear or smile.

Shatter, Kyouka Suigetsu

10/01/2009 02:41:00 PM Postado por Vini Barros

Hey, Can I sit here, by your side? You don't need to talk to me, that's okay for me. If I just have you here, my world is complete, so please don't go away from me, I know, I'm boring most of the time, and I'm disposable as broken glass, and I don't know how to change it, I want to be a bit more interesting, I want to make you laugh and be happy, but I know I cannot do that.

But don't worry, I won't feel blue, I do not have the right of such a thing, I don't deserve nothing at all, right? I'm just a soul that suffers for been caged, and I'm caged in this body, my body. I don't have nothing to offer to you, I'm not good at anything at all, I'm just some pathetic guy, who thinks better than does about everything, about life. Don't leave me because of it,I know I have nothing and you, you just make me feel so good, so better, and that hurts me, to see that I don't move you, I don't reach at you as you do to me. I know I asked you to not talk to me, but sometimes, it's good to listen some words of care, worry, friendship or at least one acknowledgment for trying to stay by your side, ´cause you know, one day I may wake up from my hypnosis and leave you, if I do that will you perceive that I'm gone? Will you care? Sometimes I want to know the answers but I get afraid after all.

Well, I'll sit here anyway, and look at you as this world slowly changes its colours, To blue to white, white to gray and gray to orange, to orange to darker than black and then breaks into orange and then to blue again. I know one day we're gonna stand up and walk, to anywhere we need/want to go, but while we're here I'm gonna enjoy it, the most as I can, I'll enjoy it 'till the break of the dawn, 'till the next drink, 'till the next bus stop, 'till the end of hypnosis.

In the end I'm the one who says: 'Thanks'.