Shatter, Kyouka Suigetsu

10/01/2009 02:41:00 PM Postado por Vini Barros

Hey, Can I sit here, by your side? You don't need to talk to me, that's okay for me. If I just have you here, my world is complete, so please don't go away from me, I know, I'm boring most of the time, and I'm disposable as broken glass, and I don't know how to change it, I want to be a bit more interesting, I want to make you laugh and be happy, but I know I cannot do that.

But don't worry, I won't feel blue, I do not have the right of such a thing, I don't deserve nothing at all, right? I'm just a soul that suffers for been caged, and I'm caged in this body, my body. I don't have nothing to offer to you, I'm not good at anything at all, I'm just some pathetic guy, who thinks better than does about everything, about life. Don't leave me because of it,I know I have nothing and you, you just make me feel so good, so better, and that hurts me, to see that I don't move you, I don't reach at you as you do to me. I know I asked you to not talk to me, but sometimes, it's good to listen some words of care, worry, friendship or at least one acknowledgment for trying to stay by your side, ´cause you know, one day I may wake up from my hypnosis and leave you, if I do that will you perceive that I'm gone? Will you care? Sometimes I want to know the answers but I get afraid after all.

Well, I'll sit here anyway, and look at you as this world slowly changes its colours, To blue to white, white to gray and gray to orange, to orange to darker than black and then breaks into orange and then to blue again. I know one day we're gonna stand up and walk, to anywhere we need/want to go, but while we're here I'm gonna enjoy it, the most as I can, I'll enjoy it 'till the break of the dawn, 'till the next drink, 'till the next bus stop, 'till the end of hypnosis.

In the end I'm the one who says: 'Thanks'.